
New Delhi: Masterpiece of 2010 – 2011

Delhi chief minister Sheila Dixit 
Nikki Rattan on Delhi chief minister Sheila Dixit, spiritual healer and yoga guru Baba Ramdev, the importance of girl children in these days and crime against women.

Chief Minister

I landed in India and our top TV channels aired the song „Sheila ki Jawani“ (Mrs Sheila being the Chief Minister). Much disrespect to her with a song that means Sheila’s „youth“ in a suggestive way, surely was a negative spark to her presence in Delhi. One knew there would be repercussions, sort of a boomerang effect. Her being blamed for a Common Wealth Games (CWG) scam over crores of missing money was next.

Last year saw the entire Delhi burning postures of Delhi CM Mrs Sheila Dixit, wife of former IAS Mr Dixit. Whether it brought some good to the political classes, middle classes or the poor or not, one thing is for sure it created more havoc in the city. Instead of bridging this gap, it was slightly more widened. If blaming could help, we would all blame one another. What is needed is a joint cooperation pact. A pact that states not all high jobs, high selling properties/lands, luxury cars, right to education, to have a family, a home, travel allowances, large saving account balances would go to generations of politicians, IAS officers, IT experts or Doctors only. Talent is more important. Respect for individual is foremost. Again, the rule should be to not deprive them of what they have but to give to those who do not.

In the name of god

Baba Ramdev: can this guru truly cure diseases?
Spiritual healer and yoga gurus like Baba Ramdev were also not spared. Crowds chased him to the extent where he had to reveal his entire estates, financial assets publically on mass media, news channels. Was he cheating people by selling Ayurvedic medicines, was it all a hoax? Could this guru truly cure diseases with his miraculous meditative techniques or does he want to cure only those who gift him estates across the world. Is life fair to all? Or only to those who can afford it? Does everything in life come with a price? Or is he doing charity as he claims. It is still unknown. What we do know, is he still has a personalized TV program across the world and surely does preach.

To bear or not to bear

Girl child has been so important. Special facilities for her to grow up, study, at times take away more than the boys. She grows up and wants to study abroad. One fine day, the parents at home who always thought she would be an example for the younger ones in the family, will assist them in being ideal, getting married or getting a job, actually turns up with pictures of herself with some playboys at the discotheque or a park not realizing it may not be the best picture to show to a sibling or a family member at home. The parents had surely not spend their saved assets for her abroad studies to see her in this mess. Their aspiration is that she would help her family back home, be their backbone and not indulge in alcohol/drugs or be a part of any abuse. To bear this child might not have been worth it.

What lies beneath

With a keen eye on one of the very popular series on television by the name of „Crime Patrol“ it seems crime against women has increased. Visits to local police stations has made me think no differently. Dowry, incest, seeing women as unequal as man, being stopped from expressing views and opinions, leading a suppressed life are some issues being talked of in this reality show. For the audiences it is a show, tomorrow it could be you. In order to create a safer place one has to start now and raise alarm when the first sign of a crime that may occur appears. Often it is too late. While the police is on its way, someone is already hurt or harmed. More security is the need of the hour and the voice of the one being victimized needs to be heard and the offender to be eradicated. It would be the only way to create a 100% crime free place/city/country.

At the end of the year of 2010, one wonders did the youth who burnt statues of the CM or the ones who held violent processions outside the PM house at Race Course, actually find justice? A raped sister, an educated jobless woman who refused to sleep with her boss, son of a dead father due to doctor negligence, did they finally get justice or are they fighting in courts but in vain.

Education minister Shri Kapil Sibal distributing free electronic tablets.
Well jobs or no jobs, it seems survival technique was built for everyone. People until now have not killed themselves but still light candles at India Gate, outside the famous Tihar Jail (where Sri Sri also paid a visit to meet Annaji). While our education minister Shri Kapil Sibal went to the extent of distributing free electronic Tablets to students by the name of Aakaash Tablet, the needs of many are still unanswered. Which door to knock, for the right job, mentors and educators instead of harassers, is still a mystery.
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