(kj/tg) Film maker Madhura Dalimbkar made her first international trip ever when she presented her short film „Laal Vaali“ at the Stuttgart Film Festival 2017. Madhura considers herself not star-strucked and somewhat influenced by her father to become a film maker. We were curious enough to meet Madhura in Stuttgart to have a chat.
Welcome to the 14th Indian Film Festival in Stuttgart, Madhura! It’s great having you here. And you are as well a newcomer in the film industry. You came to Stuttgart with your short film ‘Laal Vaali’ (The red one). Is it your first time in Stuttgart, in Germany and how do like it here and how did you experienced the Indian film festival so far? What have been your expectations before coming to this Indian film festival?
It’s not only the first time in Stuttgart, this is my first international trip ever! This is as well the first time my short film is being screened at a festival, too. The city is really nice and beautiful. I’ve been even joking around considering to moving here. I really love this city and the festival is very nice with its hospitality.
I’ve seen the movie poster which can be found at the cinema entrance. I’ve been asked why there is a red bra on it in the middle. What is the message behind it?
I don’t give a damned about my societal pressures or anything of that sort. My film is about the lingerie that is on the poster. I thought that it is fitting for the poster and if I would have thought about the Indian stigma is regarding lingerie, I wouldn’t have made this film in the first place. There is a stigma around these topics and I don’t care, I don’t give a damned about it (laughing). If people are having an issue, they should not watch it.
Since you are a newcomer as a film director in the film industry what are the other projects you are currently working on?
Currently I’m assisting a film maker in India so I’m busy with that. Beside this, whatever free time I get which is rear, I’m started writing few ideas for my next short film.
Can you tell us more about this project in which you are currently involved? Maybe which film genre it is and what he story is about?
It’s a Marathi feature film. It’s the director’s thought (02:50:15) feature and I supposed not to tell you more about it. But next year it will be hopefully possible to screen it here at this festival.
How did you chose for becoming a film director? Usually one knows the Indian cliché kind of professions like when you grow up you will become a doctor or an engineer. Why the film business?
I was studying psychology in my bachelors and I always loved story telling. But I didn’t know that there are ways you can take this interest forward. And only after attending workshops and meetings with like-minded people I realized that this direction is the way to narrate your stories in a bigger picture, to bring stories to life. So how that’s how I got into this field. Secondly my father is a huge movie buff. So that robbed off on me.
… you have been influenced as well by his work?
Maybe. We never sat down and discussed films but the way I’ve seen him being passionate about movies maybe that robbed off on me. And I loved the atmosphere in the cinemas.
That’s very interesting to hear how it shaped your career and even your personality so far, because everybody has his or her own story to tell. Now let us imagine that you have a free wish. That you have the choice shooting a movie with some big shot from the Indian film industry from the current point of view. Which actor or actress would you like to have infront of your camera?
Wow… (thinking)
… and they will agree on your wish so you can start shooting your movie right now.
Honestly I’m sorry yaar to sound really boring but I’m really not star-strucked. I’ve never been star-strucked. I’ve met Dr. Mohan Agashe once before this festival and spent some days with him. But I was never like star-strucked that ‘oh I really want to work with this or that guy’. I just want good actors for my films.
That’s cool, sounds really down-to-earth. Now coming to my last question: if you would describe the Indian film festival with only three words, which words would you chose?
Three words… that’s some limitation yaar
Yes (laughing), that’s mean I know. We get really interesting answers sometime. You can as well chose two words making it a bit more challenging.
You are really making it worse for me
… or let’s say four words if it makes it easier for you.
An inspirational experience!
Great! Thanks a lot for your time and the really nice interview. We are looking forward welcoming you again, maybe already at the 15th Indian film festival in Stuttgart with the upcoming feature film you are currently assisting and we wish you all the best for your further path!
Thank you very much!